Can I Create My Own Vpn (Set Up Your Own Vpn Server)?

It's no big secret that the Internet is no longer a secure environment. It sometimes appears that the Internet was built purely to make it simple for governments, businesses, and snoop's of all kinds to spy on ordinary people.

As a result, it is not surprising that a large number of people have resorted to using VPNs to protect themselves. However, even the greatest commercial VPN services have their flaws. As a result, an increasing number of people are trying to create their own VPN servers from the comfort of their own homes.

In this article, we'll look at why you might want to set up your own VPN as well as why perhaps you shouldn't. We'll also go over the different approaches to getting one set up and we'll go over them in greater depth. By the end of this post, you should have a clear idea of whether or not setting up your own VPN is a good idea for you, and which approach you want to pursue.

Is it a good idea to set up my own VPN?

In today's society, there are numerous reasons to use a VPN. But, given you've come this far, we're assuming you already know why you need a VPN. We also suppose you're debating whether to use a commercial VPN service like ExpressVPN or NordVPN or to build your own VPN.

To assist you in your decision, here are some compelling reasons to set up your own VPN rather than rely on a commercial service:

  • You want to reap the same rewards of using a VPN, but want to avoid paying a monthly or yearly subscription fee.
  • You don’t like the idea of VPN services saving your online history and activity. Some VPN subscription services are very transparent and insist that they do not log your information, such as ExpressVPN. However, this level of security isn’t guaranteed with every VPN provider, so be sure to read the terms and conditions of each service carefully.
  • You wish to access your home network from anywhere in the world.
  • You wish to have access to your local services regardless of your geographical location. For example, this involves being able to log into accounts such as your Netflix account from any location in the world.
  • You wish to give other people, such as friends and family, access to services on your home network.

What’re the downsides to creating my own VPN?

While setting up your own VPN comes with a whole bunch of advantages, doing so also comes with downsides. Such as:

  • Your internet connection will need to be constantly stable and very fast in order to handle a homemade VPN. This is because VPN servers require both fast upload and download speeds in order to function properly. If you don’t have a super-fast internet connection, your homemade VPN server may slow everything else down, rendering the whole process pointless.
  • To connect to resources in other geographical areas, you must use a VPN. VPN services with many servers allow you to appear to be in any of dozens, if not hundreds, of locations throughout the world. Because your VPN only has one server, you can only appear to be in one location at a time.
  • If you set up your VPN server on your own hardware, it will be assigned an IP address from your home network. This means that you won’t benefit from being able to hide your IP address if you’re using a homemade VPN.
  • It falls upon the VPN creator to deal with the maintenance and updates of the VPN server when necessary. The hardware and software may also require maintenance too.
  • In order to set up your own VPN at home, you’ll need to have a lot of technical expertise and skills.
    Setting up your own VPN at home will require a fair amount of technical knowledge and ability.
  • The VPN you set up yourself may be protected from logging, but if you bought the server you tunnel through with your real identity and payment information, you are considerably more vulnerable than if you used a VPN service.

How do I set up my own VPN server at home?

If you decide that setting up your own VPN server at home is something you want to do, you should be aware that there are a few different ways to go about it. One of the most common methods is to set up a server in the cloud.

Setting up your own VPN is now easier than ever thanks to cloud computing. Amazon AWS has a number of solutions that support the OpenVPN protocol, which is one of the world's fastest and most stable encryption methods. Package price is based on data usage or a flat annual charge, and server capacity can be modified to support up to 500 linked devices.

Alternatively, you could always directly configure a VPN server on your router. The VPN client Viscosity has a nice guide for setting up your own OpenVPN server on a DD-WRT router.

Remember that there is a distinction between using a VPN client and a VPN service: a VPN client just provides a UI via which you may access a VPN that you or someone else is hosting, but a VPN service maintains and runs its own servers. 

As a result, even if you use a VPN client, you will still retain independent control over your VPN server. Viscosity, like Amazon AWS, demands a subscription fee, however it does provide a 30-day free trial.


Setting up your own VPN has certain privacy and security benefits. These are especially noticeable when you configure a VPN Server on your own hardware.

However, setting up your own IP address at home is risky, and you should read through all of the possible disadvantages before you decide to proceed. While setting up a VPN Server for your own use is possible, it's a lot of work and takes far more technical knowledge than simply subscribing to a professional VPN service.


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